Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

How is carpel tinnel syndrome diagnosed? | Dr. Chaitanya Karande
  • Your occupational therapist will do an assessment of your symptoms, strength, and hand motion in order to provide a set of hand therapy that is best tailored to your needs.
  • You will be educated on precautions and ways to modify daily activities to avoid repetitive and awkward wrist motions that place increased pressure on the median nerve. For example,
    observing ergonomics during computer use to maintain a neutral wrist posture.
  • Exercises may be taught to move the median nerve and finger tendons in your affected hand to facilitate recovery. Strengthening exercise may be prescribed when necessary to allow
    you to regain functional use of your hands in daily activities.
  • If you have undergone surgery for your condition, your therapist will assist you in recovering from surgery through swelling control, scar management exercises to regain motion, and
    strengthening for returning to work.

Carpel tunel syndrome | Dr. Chaitanya Karande

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

The wrist has a tunnel in which nine tendons and the median nerve run through. It lies just past the crease line at the wrist. When pressure builds up in the tunnel, the nerve gets squeezed and cannot function properly. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve is compressed in the carpal tunnel.

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?

We actually do not know the exact cause of carpal tunnel. There are some conditions that are associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Fluid retention in pregnancy- cy, arthritis, diabetes, and minor and repetitive trauma are associated with this syndrome.
The majority of patients are in the older age group (40-60 years) with women being more affected (70%).

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

There is usually some pain, numbness, or a tingling sensation in the hand. Any three of all of these sensations can be present. Sometimes patients will note waking at night and obtaining some relief by shaking their hands. We term these night symptoms. Some patients can experience these symptoms while doing simple tasks like driving, reading newspapers in the upheld position, or holding telephones. In more severe cases, you may experience a weaker thumb grip and this can affect, for example, using chopsticks or buttoning shirts. The numbness may also be permanent.

How is carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed?

An accurate history of the condition and an examination is usually sufficient to make a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. If an underlying bone problem is suspected, an X-ray may be ordered. A nerve test, called either an EMG or an NCS, may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis. Increasingly, other tests like Ultrasounds are being used to document the condition.

How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated?

If symptoms are mild, you may be given oral medication, asked to wear a splint, and posture-related advice by the therapist. Sometimes a steroid injection into the carpal tunnel is advised If symptoms persist or become severe, surgery is recommended. This is a minor surgical procedure usually performed under local anesthetic or a block in a day surgery ambulatory setting. There is no need for admission into the hospital.

How is carpel tunnel syndrome treated | Dr. Chaitanya Karande

How is carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed?

Your doctor may refer you to see an occupational therapist for conservative management or for rehabilitation after your surgery.

How can occupational therapists help you to improve this condition?

The main goal of therapy is to resolve the symptoms and to allow you to regain independence with your activities of daily living.
A brace or splint may be provided for you to rest your wrist in a neutral position to reduce compression at the median nerve. It can be worn at night during sleep or during activities that aggravate symptoms.


your health is of utmost importance, and seeking professional medical advice is vital for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Trust Dr. Chaitanya Karande Patil, a leading hand surgeon in Pune, to guide you through your hand-related concerns and provide the care you need for a healthier, happier life.